Wills & Estate Planning
We understand planning for your future can be an emotional and uncertain time. We appreciate every individual’s financial situation is unique, however regardless of your age or wealth, it is vital to have the appropriate legal documentation in place.
Last Will & Testament
A Last Will & Testament is a legal document outlining your wishes and instructions in the event you pass away. This may include:
Who you want to receive your assets
Who you want to receive specific personal and valuable items
Any religious or cultural arrangements for your funeral
Who you want as a legal guardian for any children under 18 years
Who you choose to be your executor when you pass away.
Preparing or updating your Last Will and Testament ensures that your estate is passed onto your loved ones in accordance with your wishes. Without a valid Will, you run the risk that your estate may not be distributed as per your wishes.
Significant life events such as marriage, separation, house purchases or children will impact the way you manage your assets and financial affairs, which is why it is prudent for your estate planning to be up to date.
We appreciate every individual’s financial situation is unique, however regardless of your age or wealth, it is vital to have a Last Will & Testament in place. When you make a Will, it is important you have it properly drafted by someone who understands the law and can advise you on the best way to make sure your assets are protected.
Please contact our office to arrange an appointment with our experienced team.
Appointments of Enduring Power of Attorney & Enduring Guardian
In addition to your Last Will & Testament, we recommend preparing or updating your Appointments of Enduring Power of Attorney and Enduring Guardian documents.
Enduring Power of Attorney
An Enduring Power of Attorney is a legal document that allows you to nominate one or more persons to act on your behalf to manage your legal and financial affairs.
Regardless of your age, we recommend having this document in place, as it authorises your appointee(s) to manage your financial affairs in the event you are unable to do so, for example:
You are travelling or living abroad
You temporarily or permanently lose capacity through illness, injury or disability.
You are selling your house and are unable to sign legal documents.
Enduring Guardian
An Enduring Guardian document allows you to nominate one or more persons to act on your behalf in relation to medical and lifestyle decisions in the event you lose the capacity to make those decisions for yourself.
Your appointee(s) will have the power to make important medical and lifestyle decisions which may include:
Consent to carrying out healthcare, medical and dental treatment
Arrange for a suitable living arrangement
Decide which personal services you receive
Consult on decisions during your end-of-life stage
We understand that planning for your estate can be difficult. Our experienced lawyers have significant expertise assisting clients to protect their assets through estate planning. Our friendly and approachable team will navigate you through the process step by step to ensure your estate is protected and passed on in accordance with your wishes.
Please contact our office to arrange an appointment with our experienced team.