Letters of Administration
A grant of Letters of Administration is required when a loved one has passed away without leaving a Last Will & Testament.
The Supreme Court of New South Wales will grant Letters of Administration to the deceased’s closest living next of kin (known as the administrator) which allows them to manage and distribute the deceased's assets.
Applying for Letters of Administration can be a complex process and there are certain steps that need to be carried out including:
Obtain a Death Certificate
Search for a Last Will & Testament
Publishing a Notice of Intended Application for Letters of Administration
Gathering supporting documents
Notifying and liaising with relevant institutions
Draft and file all relevant documents to apply for a grant of Letters of Administration
Publishing a Notice of Intended Distribution of an Estate
Distribution of Estate
At Lambton Law, we can assist you with the process of applying for a grant of Letters of Administration. Please contact our office to arrange an appointment with our experienced team.