Separation & Divorce
We understand separation or divorce can be complex, straining and a highly emotional time for all parties involved. We aim to assist clients navigate the separation process with ease.
When you or your ex-spouse file for Divorce, the Federal Circuit and Family Court of Australia (FCFCoA) will assess the net value of each parties’ assets including property, bank accounts, superannuation, shares, businesses, vehicles etc, as well as any liabilities/debts each party may hold.
The Court identifies the financial and non-financial contributions of each party to the relationship, and considers the age, wealth, income and parental responsibilities (if applicable) of the parties as well as the duration of the relationship.
Court Orders are made considering all the above factors.
It is important to act on a property settlement as soon as possible after separation. Although a property settlement can be done at any time after separation, the timeframe to make an application to the court is 12 months after a divorce order is made (for a married couple) or two years after the date of separation (for a de-facto couple).
If both parties are amicable with the division of assets, an agreement can be documented by way of Binding Financial Agreement or Consent Orders without attending Court
If you wish to obtain advice in relation to a separation or divorce, please contact our office to arrange an appointment with our experienced team.